Thursday, 13 September 2018

How to Help Your Senior Loved One Deal with Insomnia

As people age, it is common for them to experience a change in their sleeping pattern. Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder that affects many seniors. According to the recent studies, around 50% of people aged 65 and above suffer from insomnia.

There are a number of things that can cause insomnia in seniors, and some of them include 
  • Heath conditions like heart problems, asthma, or chronic pain.
  • Noisy bedrooms 
  • Side effects of different medications
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • …and more.
Some of the common symptoms of insomnia include 
  • Difficulty falling asleep
  • Day/night confusion
  • Lack of quality sleep
  • …and more.
However, it is vital for seniors to get a good night’s sleep for their overall health. So, if you have an aging parent at home who is suffering from insomnia, here are some tips that can help.
  1. Create a fixed bedtime routine – It is important for you to create a bedtime routine for your aging loved one and ensure that they follow it religiously. Following a set routine can help improve sleep patterns and regulate their wake and sleep cycle. 
  2. Create a comfortable sleeping environment – Make sure your senior family member has a bedroom that is clean, quiet and free from any kind of distractions. Also, the temperature of the room should also be comfortable. 
  3.  Avoid frequent naps – Naps during the day can affect sleep quality. So, make sure your aging loved one avoids naps for a good night’s sleep. If they must nap, have them limit it to no more than 15 or 20 minutes.
However, if they still experience problems with sleep, consult their doctor. Their doctor may prescribe certain medications for a brief time that can help your loved one sleep better. Sometimes you just need a good night sleep to get a good night sleep the following night. If you have are unable to accompany your senior family member to their doctor’s appointment, consider hiring a caregiver.

An experienced in-home care provider will accompany seniors for regular doctor’s appointments and ensure they take the prescribed medicines on time. Always Best Care has a team of highly trained, bonded, and insured caregivers who provide compassionate In-Home Care Services In West Vancouver.

For more information, call them at (778) 945-3010.

Wednesday, 12 September 2018

Tips to Help Your Aging Parent Cope with Stress

As people age, they are likely to deal with a number of stressors related to financial issues, health problems, daily living, and more. Daily stress and depression can have a negative effect on your aging loved one’s overall health. It can increase the risk of certain health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, and more. Sadly, stress hormones can have a negative impact on your loved one’s mental health, too. 

Some of the common symptoms of stress include  
  •  Anxiety
  • Trouble sleeping
  • Irritability 
  • Headaches
  • Trouble concentrating 
  • …and more.
Do you know how you can help your loved one cope with stress? Here are some tips that can help
  1. Change their routine – Older adults who are homebound are at a higher risk of suffering from stress, depression, and other mental health problems. So, encourage them to get out of the house often or take up a hobby that they love. 
  2. Try meditating – Meditation has a number of health benefits. It relaxes the mind, provides stress relief, and helps prevents future stress. Your loved one can practice meditation daily to deal with their stress better. 
  3. Encourage socialization – Seniors who live alone are likely to suffer from stress and depression. So, you should encourage your aging parent to socialize often and participate in different social activities to stay connected and engaged. Staying socially active will not only reduce the risk of stress caused by loneliness and depression but also help seniors lead a peaceful and comfortable life. 
  4. Hire a companion – If you do not have enough time to consistently look after your aging parent’s safety and well-being, consider hiring companionship help in the form of a caregiver. An experienced in-home care provider will look after your loved one’s care and safety and help them stay socially active and engaged. 
If you are looking for an In-Home Senior Care Provider In Vancouver, contact Always Best Care. 

For more information, call them at (778) 945-3010.

Friday, 17 August 2018

Reasons for Loneliness in Seniors

Loneliness is a negative feeling or sadness that arises due to lack of communication or a relationship with other people. Although it can affect anyone of any age group, the older you are, the more vulnerable to feeling lonely. Some main reasons of loneliness in older adults are described below:
  • Bereavement 
Death of a spouse becomes the major cause for chronic loneliness in seniors. Similar feeling of loneliness can arise if an older person gets separated from their partner for any reason.      
  • Retirement from work 
When seniors retire from working, they often miss their colleagues and daily routine. There is no office friend whom they can talk to or gossip with. There is no set schedule they have or meetings they need to attend.
  • Health problems 
Health problems like arthritis and dementia make it difficult for older adults to socialize with others. They are often confined to their house and only go out when it is important or necessary.
  • No friends and companions 
In old age, people start losing their friends. Sometimes, their friends are living far away or a residential care homes in another city, sometimes they simply lose touch. Due to lack of convenience transportation and health issues, they are unable to meet them. Their friends may even pass away from old age themselves.    
  • Lack of transportation  
Older adults may not be able to drive due to health problems. Therefore, they often rely on others to pick them up and drop them off at their friends’ or relative’s house. Sometimes, they hesitate to ask their family as they do not want to be a bother and just stay at home. As a result, they are not able to socialize as much as they should and feel lonely.

If you have a senior family member, always make sure to share some quality time with them. However, if you feel that they need more care than they are receiving, contact Always Best Care for help. They are a noted senior care agency known for providing quality Home Care Services In West Vancouver and the surrounding areas. For more information, feel free to call them at (778) 945-3010.

Thursday, 16 August 2018

Some Major Issues of Old Age

A person goes through various pleasant and unpleasant situations from childhood through old age in his/her life. But, old age is that phase of life in which one must face unexpected physiological, psychological and emotional challenges and it becomes really difficult to avoid these situations. Some of the major problems that seniors face are listed below.

1. Physiological Issues
After turning 60 years old, and even before depending on the individual, the human body begins to decline. The physical brain, senses, limbs and other internal parts of the body start functioning more slowly. Various sources over the years have affected the body, such as lifestyle, hereditary tendencies, and the environment. Some of the major causes for physical decline are malnutrition, intoxication, workload, poor diet, inadequate rest, emotional stress, health issues, and fluctuating environmental conditions.

2. Psychological Issues
Mental disorders are very common in this age. While it’s not predetermined for everyone, older people often face two major types of psychotic disorders: senile dementia (related to cerebral atrophy and degeneration) and psychosis with cerebral arteriosclerosis (related to blocking and ruptures in the cerebral arteries). According to a research, these two types of disorders are responsible for around 80% of psychotic disorders among the older generation in the civilized societies.

3. Emotional Problems
When the mental ability of seniors declines, they often become dependent on their family. Sometimes, negligence of family members results in emotional insecurity in them. Instead of developing a compassionate attitude for these old persons when youngsters start asserting their own rights, seniors often feel deprived of their dignity and importance. In addition, death of the spouse or very close family member also leads to a feeling of isolation or loneliness in them.                        

4. Social Issues
The social life of an older person does not remain as rich and exciting as they age. Poor health, loss of a loved one, and more are some of the reasons for their disconnection with society. They often become or feel confined in their homes and their interpersonal relationships remain limited to their family members only. This creates the problem of isolation and loneliness, which further leads to depression in them.                  
Keeping in mind all the above, it becomes crucial to take care of your senior family members and give them the love, care, and respect they both need and want. 

However, if you need help regarding senior care, contact Always Best Care. They are one of the most trusted Home Health Care Providers In Vancouver and have a team of highly experienced and knowledgeable caregivers. To find out more, call at (778) 945-3010.

Tuesday, 17 July 2018

Eye Health Tips for Older Adults

As everyone gets older, many changes occur in the vision. Some common age-related vision problems that seniors often face include:
  • Presbyopia: It causes trouble reading small words, headaches, eye strain and more.
  • Cataracts: Causes blurry eyes, dim vision, night blindness, sensitivity to light and glare.
  • Dry eyes: The risk factors of dry eyes include: certain medications, contact lenses, allergies, and certain environmental conditions.
  •  …and many more.
Here are a few tips for seniors to avoid eye problems:

1.  Eat healthy: Healthy eating habits can help you take care of your vision. Foods that are rich in zinc, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C and vitamin A, help defend against certain age-related eye problems. To avoid such diseases or issues, include these in your diet:
  • Salmon, tuna, and other fatty fish  
  • Green leafy vegetables such as spinach, broccoli, and many more.
  • Eggs, beans, and other non-meat protein rich sources
  • Oranges and other citrus fruits
  • and several other vitamin and mineral rich foods.  
2.  Quit smoking: Smoking severely damages your optic nerve and makes you more likely to develop macular degeneration. It’s not too late to quit smoking. Consult your doctor if you need help. 

3.  Avoid using mobile phones or computers for long periods of time: Staring at computer or mobile phone’s screen can cause eye strain, dry eyes, headaches and many more problems. 

4.  Visit your doctor frequently for a proper eye screening: Eye screenings can help find diseases, such as glaucoma, that have no signs at the start. It’s important to treat them as early as possible because they worsen with time.

If you are unable to manage your eye health and need some assistance, get in touch with Always Best Care. They are a senior care firm that has been providing the best Assisted living, as well as In Home Care Services, In Vancouver since 1996. For more information, call them today at (778) 945-3010.

Monday, 16 July 2018

Alzheimer’s in Older Adults – Early Signs, Causes, and Prevention

Alzheimer’s is the most common form of dementia that causes problems with cognitive thinking, language, behavior, and memory.

Early signs of Alzheimer’s include: memory loss, difficulty with perception, difficulty in carrying out complex tasks, changes in walking patterns, sleep disturbances, personality changes, excessive grief, depression, and many more.

Here are some of what is believed to lead to a much higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s:
  • Consumption of too much alcohol
  • Smoking
  • Higher levels of bad cholesterol, hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases
  • Increased levels of blood sugar
  • Stress, loneliness, isolation, and over thinking
  • Head injuries
  • Side effects of certain medications
  • Obesity
     Family history
  • …and many more.
How to prevent or slow down the development of Alzheimer’s?

There’s no proven way to prevent Alzheimer’s, but is much that you can do to reduce the risk of developing it. Here are few tips to follow:
  1.  Manage conditions such as hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, and heart disease. Many people are unaware of such conditions, even when they are suffering from them because they may not show many symptoms, especially at first. Regular health screenings can help let you find out if you have or are at risk of such conditions.
  2. Eating a heart-healthy diet with lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, and low-fat dairy can also help. Avoid foods such as smoked meat, white foods such as cake, pasta, white rice, white sugar, and other foods with little nutritional value.
  3. Stay active, physically as well as mentally. To keep your mind active, perform stimulating activities such as playing chess, learning a new language, or solving crossword puzzles and word pictures. Anything that causes you to think and consider multiple possibilities will help.
  4. Keep yourself socially engaged as it will help avoiding loneliness, plus it further reduces stress.
If you need any help regarding Alzheimer’s or other related issues, contact Always Best Care. They are a senior care firm providing the best Home Care Services In North Vancouver. For more information, call them today at (778) 945-3010.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Exercises for Seniors Suffering from Arthritis

Staying active is important for everyone, but it becomes a necessity as you grow older. For seniors suffering from Arthritis, getting the right amount of exercise can be extremely beneficial.

Arthritis can limit a person’s mobility and cause joint pain, which makes exercising difficult for many seniors. Fortunately, there are many low-impact exercises that are helpful in which seniors with Arthritis can practice with relative ease. These include:
  1. Walking- This is the easiest exercise and offers several benefits. It improves blood circulation, lowers high blood pressure, helps you maintains a healthy weight, improves sleep, slows mental decline and offers many other benefits. It’s okay to start with a 5 or 10-minute daily walk and increase the time and distance slowly according to your comfort.
  2. Pilates- Pilates help increase strength and flexibility of your joints, which helps maintain balance. It also helps improves your breathing, resulting into a better, stronger and improved respiratory system.
  3. Aerobics- Seniors should engage into regular aerobic exercises, such as swimming, cycling, dancing, even doing the household chores, that get their heart beating. Such exercises help build stamina, reduces the risk for osteoporosis, improves heart health and provides numerous other benefits.
  4. Light weightlifting - Strengthening the body is the best way for reducing inflammation and uneasiness.Make sure you start light and then gradually increase the weight.
  5. Hand stretches- Seniors with pain in their fingers and hands should practice this exercise regularly.Spread your fingers as wide as you can, then draw them together in a fist, and repeat this motion several times.
  6. Yoga – Yoga can be very beneficial for seniors suffering from arthritis as it helps improve flexibility, stability and even helps improve mobility, which is what is often the most affected in arthritis.
If you need help regarding senior care, contact Always Best Care. They’re a senior care firm that has been providing the best assisted living as well as Home Care Services In West Vancouver since 1996.For more information about their care services, call them today at (778) 945-3010.

Tuesday, 19 June 2018

Why are Physical Activities Important for Seniors?

Physical activities can help people stay active in their senior years,too. Conditions that naturally develop in the senior years can be delayed if a person stays fit and energetic. But, it’s important to consult your doctor before starting any exercise program and perform only those exercises which they advise. Often there are just a few that they advise the elderly to stay away from.

Physical activities can help seniors in the following ways:

Help make the heart strong: One vital element of aging is heart health. Regular physical activities help to keep the heart muscle in good shape and can defend against common cardiac problems. Physical activities,even at a light intensity,can help a lot. Also, exercising can improve blood pressure in some people with hypertension.
Improve mobility: Usually many seniors tend lose their balance and coordination as they grow older. Staying physically active helps keep the body limber and maintain coordination. There are several exercises, such as yoga, chair stands, and Tai Chi, that can help decrease the risk of arthritis and osteoporosis by increasing the bone density and helping you control body weight. 

Help controlling Diabetes: This disease has no visual symptoms in its early stage, which makes it hard to spot, yet it causes a countless health related issues. It can result in a loss of vision, a higher risk of infection,poor wound healing, and a higher risk for heart disease. Exercising regularly can help lower blood sugar levels. Even low intensity exercises, such as walking, if done regularly, can help a lot.

Improve mental health: As you grow older, your memory may not be as sharp as it once was. Exercise can help improve mental focus and also help reduce symptoms of depression. The additional benefit is that it also helps reducing the risk of dementia.

Improve overall quality of life: Following a healthy lifestyle with proper physical exercises can help improve the overall quality of life. 

If you need any help regarding senior care, contact Always Best Care. They are one of the top Home Health Care Providers In Vancouver. For more information about their care services, call them today at (778) 945-3010.

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Falls in the Elderly

Falls in the elderly area serious concern. Falls are one of the primary causes of injuries in the elderly, including head injuries, soft tissue injuries, fractures, muscle breakdown, pressure sores and even kidney damage. The incident of an initial fall can trigger fears of experiencing further falls. This might result in limited mobility and a loss of independence in seniors. 

Major causes of senior falls
There are several reasons why seniors are more likely to have a fall, but the main reasons include the following:
  • Chronic health conditions, such as dementia, heart disease and hypotension, which can cause dizziness.
  • Impairments, such as poor vision or weak muscles.
  • Illnesses can greatly affect balance and flexibility, such as labyrinthitis, Acoustic neuroma, and even a head cold can dizziness and vertigo.
  • Lack of exercise, which is the main cause of immobility.
  • Side effects of certain medications can also upset your body balance.
Other causes include:
  •    Improper foot wear
  •     Incorrect use of walking aids
  •     Improper lighting in the house
  •    Uneven floor and clutter
What works?
Learning some fall prevention tips is essential for the older adults to keep themselves safe. Here are some prevention tips seniors should be aware of: 
  • Make sure that the home is as safe as possible. Be sure it is well lit, night bulbs are installed in the kitchen, bathrooms and other places travelled in the late evening, and that grab bars are installed properly in the bathrooms.
  • Avoid wearing loose clothes. 
  •  Exercise is really important to avoid falls. There should be a proper routine of exercising so that flexibility, balance and coordination are maintained and there is a smaller risk of falling due to such issues.
  • Maintain your blood pressure.
  • Visit your doctor for regular eye checkups.
For any help regarding senior care, contact Always Best Care. They are a senior care firm that has been helping seniors and their families by providing excellent Senior Care Solutions In Vancouver. To learn more about their services, feel free to call (778) 945-3010.

Friday, 4 May 2018

Home Improvement Ideas for Seniors

Falls are the one of the leading causes of injuries among seniors. Serious falls lead to severe pain, paralysis, bone fractures, and in some cases, even death. We usually think that our home is the safest place for our senior loved ones, but that is not always true. Seniors accidents occur at home all the time. However, with some precautions, it is possible to avoid some risks of such a mishap happening.

Here are some home improvement ideas to increase the safety of seniors at home.
  1. Floors and surfaces: Make sure that the floors are non-slippery. Non-skid, non-plush mats should also be placed in risk prone areas such as near the bath tub or shower or in front of the kitchen sink. For bathroom floors, non-slip or patterned tiles should be used to reduce or avoid falls from moisture. 
  2. Doorways: Choose door hardware with a lever handle rather than a door knob. The lever handle requires less force to operate, making it much easier for seniors.
  3. Emergency and safety devices: To increase your senior loved one’s safety at home, home safety alarms should be installed. These include gas detector alarms, smoke detector alarms, fire alarms, water detector alarms and several others. Make sure to regularly check the battery in each.
  4. Lighting: Proper lighting should be placed in the bathroom, bedroom, hallways, staircase and other risk prone areas. Light switches should be easily reachable.
  5. Grab bars: Grab bars are essential for seniors to avoid accidental falls. They should be installed in areas such as bathrooms or staircases.
  6. Remove unnecessary furniture: Do not keep any unnecessary furniture. This will largely help in avoiding falls as seniors will have more space to walk without tripping over anything. 
  7. Remove rugs: Either remove rugs or tack them down to ensure the senior doesn’t slip or trip on them. 
  8. Declutter the house: Remove clutter and rearrange furniture to have a clear walking path. Make sure that the items your senior loved one frequently uses are within reach and doesn’t require a step ladder.
If you are unable to take care of your senior loved for whatever reason, hire a caregiver who will help them remain at home and help manage their day to day tasks, including their health, medication and meals. Contact Always Best Care for the best In Home Senior Caregivers in Vancouver. For more information, call (778) 945-3010.

Friday, 27 April 2018

Anger Management Tips for Seniors with Dementia

Dementia in seniors is marked by a persistent decline in their intellectual abilities like memory, judgment, language, and abstract thinking. The activities which are very simple for us, like brushing our teeth, becomes difficult for a senior suffering from dementia. Sometimes, they may even forget the color of their brush and so many other basic things.

When even the easiest tasks of the daily routine seem complex and overwhelming, it is obvious for seniors to feel frustrated. This frustration often turns into anger, which can harm relationships, impair their judgment abilities, and have a negative impact on the way people see them. This is when the need of anger management comes in.

Here are some tips to follow as a family member in order to manage anger towards both yourself and your senior loved one:
  1. Keep the distress and worries away from them as long as possible, and try to comfort them by listening to their talks attentively. Most of all, they need is your love, support and care.
  2. Try to help them diminish their confusion. Due to the decline in their brain function and loss of memory, seniors often get confused in simple things, which further results in anger.
  3. Handle them calmly and politely. They may be angry for some reason you can’t understand but your support, care and attention will help them deal with the situation better.
  4. Give them memory reminders. Help them by providing small memory cues so that they do not forget things. Split a task for them into small parts so that they can easily carry out the whole “small” task without difficulty.
  5. Never make them feel lonely and try to understand their emotions rather than focusing on their rude behavior.
  6. Encourage them to exercise regularly. Exercises have many physical and mental health benefits.
If your senior loved one is suffering from dementia and you are unable to deal with their anger, try to follow the tips mentioned above. You can contact Always Best Care for professional help regarding senior care. Always Best Care is one of the leading Home Health Care Providers in Vancouver. To learn more, call them at (778) 945-3010.

Monday, 16 April 2018

5 Foods Seniors Should Avoid Eating

Once you reach your senior years, you become more prone to food poisoning because of your weakening immune system. Therefore, it becomes more important to change your eating habits as you age. Enjoying tasty treats with no nutritional merit occasionally is fine, however your daily diet should have all the essential vitamins and minerals your aging body needs.

There are also some foods that you should cut or exclude from your diet as you get older and some of them are listed below:

  1. Raw eggs: Raw and under-cooked eggs can be very dangerous for seniors. This is because eating raw eggs presents a risk of salmonella infection and can have other unfortunate health consequences as well. Although anyone can develop a salmonella infection, seniors are at a higher risk.

  2. Soft cheese: Soft cheeses are generally unpasteurized and can allow bacteria to breed in large amounts. While the soft cheese may not be much of an illness threat for younger people, they can harm seniors’ health.

  3. Bean sprouts: Seniors should avoid eating raw or lightly cooked bean sprouts as they are a breeding ground for illness-inducing bacteria, which causes food poisoning. To get all the benefits of sprouts without the dangerous risk of bacteria, you should consume leafy green vegetables like collard greens, Kale, Swiss chard, and spinach.

  4. Unpasteurized Milk: Most of the minerals found in milk are lost during the pasteurization process. This is probably why some people think that unpasteurized milk is much better for their health. However, unpasteurized milk harbors a lot of bacteria that pose a threat to your health. Therefore, seniors should only drink milk which has been thoroughly pasteurized.

  5. Raw Seafood: Eating raw sea foods, such as oysters and other shellfish, can cause food-borne diseases in seniors. Vibrio vulnificus is a disease that is caused by bacteria found in uncooked shellfish. If you want to eat clams, mussels, or oysters, make sure they are completely cooked.

If you are worried about the nutrition of aging your loved one, hire Always Best Care’s caregivers to give them the best Home Care services in Vancouver. Call (778) 945-3010 to learn more.

Thursday, 22 March 2018

Do Not Let Your Elderly Loved One be Lonely this Christmas

Sadly, every year more than half of the senior population in America spends Christmas alone. They are struggling to cope with the tough winters, increasing heating and fuel costs – and most importantly – the absence of human companionship.

Loneliness and isolation is the life of many seniors all year round, not just during Christmas. If you have an elderly loved one living on their own, welcome them to spend time with you this Christmas season. There are a lot of things you can do to bring the Christmas spirit to them with very little effort. Take a look at some ideas:

How about some classic Christmas songs from Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, and other artists of their era? We all know that majority of the classic Christmas songs come from the 1940s and 1950s. Every Christmas, we hear the magical voices of Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, and other artists to help us get into the festive spirit. You can take your senior loved one on a wonderful nostalgia trip by playing all their favorite classic songs on Christmas Eve.

Make a video call if you cannot visit them: The emergence of applications, like Google Hangouts and Skype, has given video calling a big advantage over traditional calling, especially when you wish to make it personal. Since it allows you to see the other person and stimulate a real conversation, most families prefer it over other modes of communication when they want to talk to their loved one around the holidays. So, if you are unable to visit your senior loved one, make sure your entire family joins in on the video call.

A little effort can go a long way: Showing seniors that we’re missing them during the holidays does not have to be a big commitment. With some simple Christmas traditions, you can easily convey your love for them.

If your loved one needs a professional caregiver to help them with daily living, contact Always Best Care, the most trusted Senior Care firm in North Vancouver. For more information, call (778) 945-3010.

Monday, 12 February 2018

3 Reasons Why Yoga is Good for Seniors

As people age, they often become less active due to any number of reasons, such as no longer working, fewer friends or distant family, or even many chronic diseases. They may suffer from conditions such as osteoarthritis, joint stress, and other types of pain. Seniors are also likely to experience higher rates of stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health problems. However, there are a number of ways by which you can improve the overall health of your aging loved one. For example, healthy eating and exercise can keep your loved one physically, as well as mentally, fit. Yoga also offers a wide array of benefits, both physical and psychological. Here are a few reasons why yoga is good for older adults.
  • It promotes balance – As people age, they tend to lose their body center and suffer from frequent tripping, slipping, or falls. Practicing yoga regularly can help seniors develop a better body balance, which will ultimately reduce the risk of falls.
  • It improves the flexibility – The different positions involved in yoga helps keep muscles limber, causing less stress on their joints. The more your loved one practices yoga, the looser their muscles and joints become. This improves their flexibility, making daily living tasks easier for them.
  • It alleviates stress – Studies show that practicing yoga can help in reducing stress and anxiety. Practicing deep breathing is better than many other types of stress management techniques.
However, your loved one may need someone to accompany them to classes and look after their safety while they practice yoga. If you are unable to bring them to classes and watch over them while they practice yoga, consider hiring a professional help in the form of caregivers.

An in-home caregiver will be able to assist your senior family member with daily living tasks and ensure that they are safe and practicing their daily yoga properly. Just make sure to do your homework and hire reputed caregivers who have years of experience in taking care of seniors.

Contact Always Best Care to hire their experienced in-home care providers in North Vancouver. For more information, call (778) 945-3010.

How to Help Your Senior Loved One Deal with Insomnia

As people age, it is common for them to experience a change in their sleeping pattern. Insomnia is a type of sleep disorder that affects m...